Beekeeper One on One Hands-On Training Sessions 


So you are a new or novice beekeeper. You took an introductory beekeeping course, and you have your own bees or thinking of getting bees but still not feeling comfortable working through hives? 


Beekeeping mentoring from an experienced beekeeper may be what you need to fill in some knowledge gaps, gain confidence with your beekeeping skills and improve on your success.


Hands-on training/mentoring is available from Tony the beekeeper @ $70/per session (up to 2 hrs) through pre-arrangement at one of the WillowBee Apiaries (Poth St, St Anns or Wainfleet).  Alternatively, I can visit your hive location in Niagara Region @ $85/per session (up to 2 hrs) with travel cost included in the price. Contact Tony at if you are interested in arranging a few hands-on sessions over the beekeeping season.

Need some Help with your Hives ?


Looking for some training and help but with your own hives? You may have a problem with your hives you can’t resolve or you want to get some input from an experienced beekeeper on approaches, strategies and methods? 


If you are in Niagara region and want some on-site input at your own Apiary, contact Tony at to make arrangements for an on-site visit. $85/session – up to 2 hrs on site. Travel costs included in the price.