So, why are we called WillowBee ?

Why are we called WillowBee?   You got the “bee” part based on Tony’s work with the bees. Rosemary grows willow on our property to create baskets, fences and other willow structures for the garden. Willows, especially pussy willows are one of the first nectar and pollen sources for honey bees in the spring time. Thus, a natural combination “WillowBee”.

In 2023 our bees will be located at the home farm location on Poth Street in Fenwick, Mingle Hill Farms in St. Anns, and Feeder Flower Farm in Wainfleet.


Other Services and Sales:

Swarm Removals

Have you got a honey bee swarm hanging in a low tree branch,  bush or on the ground ? We can help relocate that swarm to a productive hive. Swarms in nature have a relatively low chance of survival.  If the swarm is easily accessible, there is normally no cost for the removal. Give us a call to see if we are available to collect the swarm. Note, we do not remove bees from structures or buildings (cutouts). 

New Beekeeper Training and Mentoring

Are you a new beekeeper and want to get some hands on learning under your belt with an experienced beekeeper ? Click here for more information

 Nucs and Queens


Our first round of Nucs is sold out for 2024. I may be doing mid season Nucs, but that is still to be confirmed. If you are interested in purchasing one of our Nucs, please contact me at

WillowBee Apiary has an OMAFRA Queen and Nuc permit.   We typically have Nucs available in late May, or early June each year. Nuc price: $250 with a $50 deposit. Our Nucs are 4 frame, with 2 frames of brood, one frame of honey/pollen and one newly drawn frame for the Queen to expand into. Nucs will come with an over wintered Queen from our own apiary (either a Ontario Resistant Honey Bee Selection (ORHBS) queen or one of their daughters or a new 2024 mated Queen from our apiary. Nucs come in a weatherproof chloroplast type box and should be installed in your own full size deep hive upon receipt.


We normally have additional queens available through out the year till mid September. Contact us @ for availability. $50 for locally mated queen with attendants.