Honey Sales
Retail Sales:
We sell honey from our Farm Gate. We normally have 330 g, 500 g and 1 kg jars of Raw honey and Creamed honey. Depending on the time of year we may have spring and late summer honey available. We also stock 330 g jars infused/creamed honeys made with natural flavours including Cayenne, Lavender, Lemon, Vanilla and Cinnamon.
We are located at 784 Poth St, in Fenwick. Call or txt 289-241-8880 in advance to confirm your order and availability and to arrange a pickup time when we are on site that is also convenient for you. We prefer cash but etransfer also accepted. Alternatively, you can make your purchase online in advance and schedule your pickup at our farm gate.
WillowBee Apiary is proud to offer our products at other great locations in Niagara. Please visit them and see what they have to offer!
180 Estate Winery :
Stocks 330 g jars of Raw Honey, Cayenne infused and select other flavoured honey. Located at 4055 Nineteenth St, Jordan Station, ON L0R 1S0 http://www.180wines.ca/
13th Street Winery:
Stocks 330 g jars of regular, creamed and infused honey. Located at 1776 Fourth Ave, St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P9 https://13thstreetwinery.com/
MingleHill Farms:
Sales of our Infused creamed honeys including: Lavender, Cinnamon, Cayenne, Lemon and our regular creamed honey. Hives are kept on site at MingleHill and used to make honey sold there. 2625 Mountain Rd, Saint Anns, ON L0R 1Y0. http://www.minglehill.com/
Upper Canada Cheese Company:
Stocks selected flavours of 330 g jars of our infused honey 4159 Jordan Rd, Jordan Station, ON L0R 1S0. www.uppercanadacheese.com
As part of the online sales, we are also offering delivery this winter and spring in Niagara Region. At this time we are scheduling Wednesday and Saturdays for delivery, weather permitting and when we are available. We will update the delivery schedule periodically to exlude days we are not available. Delivery is free for large orders of $120 or more. It is also available for a $20 fee, for orders greater than $20 and less than $120. See the online sales page for further details.
What is Creamed Honey ? What is Infused Creamed Honey?:
What is creamed honey? Creamed honey actually contains no cream at all. The name “creamed honey” refers to the very smooth and silky consistency of the honey because of crystalization, which is a natural process for honey. Honey creaming is done at temperatures no higher than the actual hive temperature, so all the natural qualities of the raw honey are preserved. The “creaming” process involves seeding the honey with a small amount of crystalized honey that has ultra fine crystals. By mixing in the crystals, and allowing the honey to sit in a cool place, the fine crystals spread to the rest of the honey, making the entire batch creamy and smooth.
What is Infused Creamed Honey then? If spice or flavour is added, only natural ingredients are used, and this is done by mixing those ingredients in and allowing them to “infuse” into the honey for a period of time, before adding the fine crystaline seed honey. All ingredients in addition to honey are listed on the jar. If you have never tried creamed or infused creamed honey before, give them a try!
WillowBee Apiary has stocks of infused creamed honey. Please contact us for availablity.